Power BI Performance Tuning with Eugene Meidinger

By Kendra Little on January 16, 2024

Eugene Meidinger stops by the Dear SQL DBA Podcast to chat about Power BI Performance Tuning.

We talk about the various engines and languages used in Power BI and big-picture strategies for getting performance from the start. Eugene then talks about the community of tools and techniques that can be used to dig in and solve performance problems in Power BI.

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Want to learn more about performance tuning Power BI?

Eugene’s new Pluralsight course on Perf tuning Power BI launches on February 5th. The first 50 sales will be only $20. If you don’t get one of those lucky spots, use code RACOONS to get 50% off.

Find more of Eugene’s content at sqlgene.com.

Find more from the Dear SQL DBA Podcast

This is Episode 80 of the Dear SQL DBA Podcast.