New Class! SQL Server Index Formulas: Problems and Solutions for $99 in Huntington Beach, California

on January 7, 2016

My new one day training session, “SQL Server Index Formulas: Problems and Solutions”, is now available for just $99!


Join me on Friday, April 1, 2016 in Huntington Beach to learn about choosing the right index keys (in the right order), the glories and disasters of included columns, pitfalls and triumphs with indexed views and filtered indexes, how to identify the right scenarios for partitioning, and how to navigate the weird world of missing index requests. You’ll also learn how new features like SQL Server 2016 QueryStore will change the way we do index tuning.

This course teaches you index tuning in just one day

This two minute video describes what you’ll learn.

Read more about this day long session here, or register now!

Or Join me at SQLBits in Liverpool

If you’re in Europe (or just want a good excuse to go there), join me to learn all about indexes during my Training Day at SQLBits on May 4th.