Opinions expressed on this site are solely those of Kendra Little of Catalyze SQL, LLC. Content policy: Short excerpts of blog posts (3 sentences) may be republished, but longer excerpts and artwork cannot be shared without explicit permission.
on February 21, 2017
I recently got a table partitioning question from a reader:
We now need to load some historical data into the table for 2013 so I want to alter the function and schema to add monthly partitions for this. But I can’t work out how to do this using SPLIT? Every example and tutorial I’ve looked at shows how to add new partitions onto the end of a range, not split one in the middle.
They sent along their partition function and scheme. It’s a LEFT based partition function, so the partitioning boundary points are “upper” boundaries. The partition function was set up using an INT data type with an interesting approach: they made the boundary points invalid dates, like 20161100.
Basically, it looks something like this:
There are a few approaches you could take here
In my diagram, I show that we have data starting in November, because I’m simplifying the problem. In reality, the person asking the question had data for 2014 through 2018, partitioned monthly. They needed to load historical data for 2013.
You can choose to add partitions on the lower end of the existing table, and I’ll show you how. But you’ve got choices!
Option: add another partitioned table, and read both tables through a partitioned view
Partitioned tables with many billions of rows or hundreds of GB of data become unwieldy over time.
- Need to add a column? It must get added to all partitions. Literally, kind of a drag.
- Nonclustered indexes are the same across all partitions, unless you’re using filtered indexes. (Getting filtered indexes to get used is a whole ‘nother kind of drag.)
- Getting memory to create a large index over the whole table gets harder as it grows.
- Statistics are created per index or per column, not per-partition. Statistics have a maximum of ~200 rows, and it can be a little difficult to describe data distribution over 6 billion rows in a 200 step histogram sometimes.
So in some environments, it’s better to have multiple partitioned tables, and use a partitioned view to simplify reading data. This frees you up to add new columns only to the “current” table, and index different tables as you need.
Inserting data into partitioned views can be a bit of a pain, so many people taking this approach use dynamic SQL or a stored procedure to insert or update data into the “current” table, and the use the partitioned view for reads.
Option: take a different approach to filegroups
On the one hand, it’s good to be consistent. On the other hand, do you really need one filegroup per month?
Maybe you do for some reason.
But maybe your SQL Server’s storage now uses some of that fancy automatic tiering, where less read data automatically goes to slower disks. So maybe the filegroups aren’t useful for performance anymore.
And maybe you rebuild indexes in those filegroups, which results in having empty space in each filegroup… and you could save some storage if you consolidated a bit.
Filegroups can be useful for things like running CHECKDB against a subset of the data, and for restoring databases “piecemeal”. But depending on your storage and your data sizes, you might want to let several partitions of data (or maybe more) share a filegroup.
It’s worth thinking about before you finalize your scripts!
(For the sake of the demo below, I stick with one partition per filegroup to be consistent with what they have.)
OK, let’s fix our partitions!
There’s really two things we want to fix here:
- The lowermost partition is assigned to the PRIMARY filegroup. It’s empty, which makes life fairly easy for us– when we merge the 20161100 boundary point, the filegroup associated with that boundary point will be removed from the partition scheme. There’s no data to move in this case.
- After we get the PRIMARY filegroup out of our table, we need to add in new filegroups and partitions
I created a demo script over on GitHub that creates a database, then creates a partitioned table just like you see above. If you’d like to play along, grab the gist of the whole demo script here.
1. Removing the primary filegroup from our partition scheme
Note: If we were using RIGHT in our partition function or had data in that filegroup, there’d be more work to do to fix things up! Be very careful when merging or splitting boundary points in production. If you accidentally trigger data to move from one partition to another, that can be a very long, slow, painful process.
There’s no way to ALTER the filegroup an existing partition is assigned to. We can remove the boundary point associated with the filegroup, then add it back with the right filegroup, though. Since the partition is empty, this is no big deal in this case. All it takes is this:
ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION [pf_monthly_int] ()
MERGE RANGE ( 20161100 );
2. Adding in new filegroups and partitions
Adding new partitions is relatively simple. We need to add a new filegroup and file, tell the partition scheme to use that filegroup for the next partition we add, then do a ‘SPLIT’ to add the boundary point.
Here’s the code that makes that happen:
/* OK, let's add that boundary point back and give it a non-primary FG */
/* Create the filegroup and give it a file... */
ALTER DATABASE PartitionSplittin add FILEGROUP [201610];
ALTER DATABASE PartitionSplittin add FILE (
NAME = FG201610, FILENAME = 'S:\MSSQL\Data\FG201610.ndf', SIZE = 64MB, FILEGROWTH = 256MB
) TO FILEGROUP [201610];
/* Add the filegroup into the scheme by setting it NEXT USED */
ALTER PARTITION SCHEME [ps_monthly_int] NEXT USED [201610];
/* Then we can SPLIT */
ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION [pf_monthly_int] () SPLIT RANGE ( 20161100 );
We can repeat that same pattern to keep adding more partitions farther down the table, as far back as we need to go.
How can I tell if my data is in the right place?
I like to use the query here to verify everything looks right.
Best practice: keep empty partitions at both ends of your table
You don’t have to take my word on this one. It’s right in Books Online on the ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION article:
Always keep empty partitions at both ends of the partition range to guarantee that the partition split (before loading new data) and partition merge (after unloading old data) do not incur any data movement. Avoid splitting or merging populated partitions. This can be extremely inefficient, as this may cause as much as four times more log generation, and may also cause severe locking.
“Severe locking” is about as much fun as it sounds, so always test ahead of time and be safe out there!