Opinions expressed on this site are solely those of Kendra Little of Catalyze SQL, LLC. Content policy: Short excerpts of blog posts (3 sentences) may be republished, but longer excerpts and artwork cannot be shared without explicit permission.
on December 6, 2017
As we count down to the end of 2017, I’ve just scheduled a fresh batch of free, live webinars for 2018! Join me on Thursdays at 9 am Pacific / noon Eastern / 4 PM UTC.
I would love for you to join me! Your questions and comments make it all worthwhile.
Dec 7 - Indexing for Windowing Functions
Windowing functions give you great flexibility for analyzing data. But how can you get the best performance for your window functions? Learn about index design for windowing functions, and when batch mode may make a big difference for your query performance.
Dec 14 - Serializable & Repeatable Read
Serializable and Repeatable Read isolation levels offer protections so that your users won’t see weird or incorrect data – and they do this by using specific lock types and lock durations. Learn about how these lock types work against disk-based rowstore tables, how long the locks are held, how to tell if your existing applications are using these types of isolation levels, and when you might want to raise your isolation level in SQL Server.
2018 Webcasts! WOOT!
In 2018, I’ll do 45 minute free webcasts every other week
Jan 11 - How Keys and Included Columns Work
Learn how disk-based rowstore indexes are structured in SQL Server. Why can you seek on key columns? Where are included columns written, and how can you use them? In this demo-based webcast, we’ll use undocumented commands in SQL Server to explore the secrets in a real disk-based rowstore index.
Jan 25 - Dirty Secrets of NOLOCK
What happens when you use NOLOCK hints in your code, or set your isolation level to READ UNCOMMITTED in SQL Server? Learn the dirty secrets and the potential uses of dirty reads in this free 45 minute webinar.
Feb 8 - Snapshot Isolation on AG Secondaries
What’s really going on with isolation levels when you use a readable secondary in an Availability Group? In this free 45 minute session, we’ll explore SNAPSHOT isolation on readable secondaries, and explore how queries on a readable secondary in an AG may impact other replicas.
Feb 22 - Auto-Tuning with Query Store
Want your database to be self-tuning? Query Store may help! In this demo-based session, we’ll explore how auto-tuning in Query Store works: how to configure it, what it does, and how to decide if you like it or not.
Mar 8 - Why Table Partitioning Doesn’t Speed Up Query Performance
Learn why SQL Server’s table partitioning feature doesn’t make your queries faster– and may even make them slower. Table partitioning can absolutely be worth implementing, but it may be for different reasons than you think! Learn where partitioning shines, and why it’s not a simple solution to speed up queries.
Mar 22 - Max Degree of Confusion: Configuring MAXDOP
Learn how to configure the max degree of parallelism at the instance, database, and query levels in SQL Server. We’ll dig into how many cores a parallel query can use, how this relates to thread count, and guidelines for selecting and testing the right MAXDOP.
Apr 5 - Fine Tuning: Configuring Cost Threshold for Parallelism
Too many queries going parallel? You get to control the threshold for who qualifies. In this free, 45 minute session, learn what “Cost Threshold for Parallelism” means, suggested default values, and how to fine tune this setting.
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