General Failure Failed Forced Plans in Query Store Cause Even Slower Compile Times

By Kendra Little on August 12, 2024

This post demonstrates two related bugs with plan forcing in Query Store which increase the likelihood of slower query execution and application timeouts in SQL Server environments.

These bugs are most likely to impact you if:

  • You use the Automatic Plan Correction feature in SQL Server, which automatically forces query plans.
  • Anyone manually forces query plans with Query Store.
  • You have slow storage, which can increase your likelihood of having longer compilation times.

The General Purpose tier of Azure SQL Managed Instance and Azure SQL Database feature both slow storage and Automatic Plan Correction enabled by default. So, weirdly enough, your risks of suffering from this problem are high if you are an Azure SQL customer.

Thanks to Erik Darling for his help in diagnosing and reproducing these issues– and his “slow compiler” query used in this post was incredibly helpful to isolate and narrow down these problems.

The two bugs

  1. If a query has a forced plan in query store and the query is cancelled by the calling user/application while the query is still compiling (which does still happen for queries with forced plans), it will:

    • Generate a query_store_plan_forcing_failed event without a clear error message (Error: 316, Severity:-1).
    • The query will have the count of failures incremented in sys.query_store_plan
    • The last_force_failure_reason_desc column will be set to GENERAL_FAILURE.
  2. Following this, the query will have slower or potentially infinite compile time whenever it needs to recompile.

    • The query used here to reproduce this issue normally takes 28 seconds to compile on my laptop.
    • When in a “GENERAL_FAILURE” state it takes more than an hour to compile. (I got tired of waiting and cancelled it at that point.)

“General failure” is about right.

We can reproduce these problems with an empty database

This demo does some things that you wouldn’t want to do on a production system, use a test system instead. I reproduced this issue on Microsoft SQL Server 2022 (RTM-CU7) (KB5028743) - 16.0.4065.3 (X64)

First, create a database with Query Store enabled:

use master;
IF EXISTS (SELECT 1/0 FROM sys.databases WHERE name = N'QueryStoreTest')
    DROP DATABASE QueryStoreTest;
/* These options for testing, not prod */

USE QueryStoreTest;

Start the “slow compiler” example query in Session A

Start this query in one session, let’s call it Session A. Thanks to Erik Darling for this portable example of a slow-compiling query.


WITH val as 
    (SELECT * FROM (VALUES ( 1 , 2), ( 1 , 2)) as v(i,j) ),    
    p0 AS (SELECT pt.* FROM val AS pt),
    p1 AS (SELECT pp.* FROM p0 AS p CROSS JOIN p0 AS pp),
    p2 AS (SELECT pp.* FROM p1 AS p CROSS JOIN p1 AS pp),
    p3 AS (SELECT pp.* FROM p2 AS p CROSS JOIN p2 AS pp),
    p4 AS (SELECT pp.* FROM p3 AS p CROSS JOIN p3 AS pp),
    p5 AS (SELECT pp.* FROM p4 AS p CROSS JOIN p4 AS pp),
    p6 AS (SELECT pp.* FROM p5 AS p CROSS JOIN p5 AS pp),
    p7 AS (SELECT pp.* FROM p6 AS p CROSS JOIN p6 AS pp),
    p8 AS (SELECT pp.* FROM p7 AS p CROSS JOIN p7 AS pp),
    p9 AS (SELECT pp.* FROM p8 AS p CROSS JOIN p8 AS pp)

Watch compilation time with sys.dm_tran_active_transactions in Session B

Monitor how long it takes to compile by running this query in another session, let’s call it Session B.. I’m currently seeing around 28 seconds on my laptop. The first query doesn’t need to complete execution, it only needs to complete compiling. Cancel the query after it finishes compiling– you’ll know that happens when the query no longer shows up as a row in the query in Session B..

SELECT at.transaction_begin_time, datediff(second, at.transaction_begin_time, SYSDATETIME()) as seconds, at.*
FROM sys.dm_tran_active_transactions AS at 
where = 'sqlsource_transform';

This images shows Session B when the query from Session A had been compiling for 26 seconds:

Shortly after this point, it finishes compiling and no longer shows up as a result of this query.

Find the query id and plan info in query store and force the plan

In session B, run this query to find the query_id and plan_id for the long compiler. (I’ll refer to this as the ‘Query Store Status Query’ in following steps.)

SELECT q.query_id, p.plan_id, qt.query_sql_text, p.avg_compile_duration/1000000. AS avg_compile_sec, p.last_compile_duration/1000000. AS last_compile_sec, p.is_forced_plan, p.force_failure_count, p.plan_forcing_type_desc, p.last_force_failure_reason_desc
FROM sys.query_store_query AS q
JOIN sys.query_store_query_text AS qt ON q.query_text_id = qt.query_text_id
JOIN sys.query_store_plan AS p ON q.query_id = p.query_id
WHERE qt.query_sql_text LIKE '%(SELECT * FROM (VALUES ( 1 , 2), ( 1 , 2)) as v(i,j) ),%';

In my case, this is query_id = 2 and plan_id = 2.

Run the following query in Session B to force the plan. Specify the correct query id and plan id that you identified in the query above:

exec sp_query_store_force_plan @query_id=2, @plan_id=2;

After forcing the plan, rerun the Query Store Status Query and you should see that the plan has been forced. There haven’t been any failures so far.

Optional: configure an Extended Events Trace

If you would like, you can now create and start an Extended Events session looking for the query_store_plan_forcing_failed event. It will fire when you do this next step.

Clear the procedure cache, then restart the long compiler query and cancel it immediately

We need to do something to cause the query to recompile. For real world queries, this might be an automatic statistics update, a failover, or anything else that triggers a fresh compilation.

After doing this sequence of events, rerun the Query Store Metadata Query to review the status now:

  • forced_failure_count = 1 last_force_failure_reason_desc = GENERAL_FAILURE

Restart the long compiler query above for the third time: it’s even slower

Monitor its compilation time in Session B using sys.dm_tran_active_transactions to look for ‘sqlsource_transform` as before.

It will compile for a very long time – more than 1 hour on my laptop.

Here it is at 8 minutes, still compiling:

And here it is just past an hour, still compiling:

Reminder: these extra-long compile times will not be written to Query Store if the query is cancelled before compilation finishes.

This invisibility in Query Store makes identifying and diagnosing this issue even tricker than normal. Any external monitoring you have may report queries as having run and timed out over and over again, but when you look in Query Store, you don’t see the query even executing.

What should Microsoft do about this?

It feels to me like there are multiple bugs in here that Microsoft should fix:

  • A query that is cancelled during a compilation timeout does not seem like it should result in a GENERAL_FAILURE status in Query Store when a plan is forced. Applications can have timeouts set at all sorts of things.
  • Plans with GENERAL_FAILURE as a plan forcing status should not take longer to compile.

And I do not think Automatic Plan Correction should be enabled by default in Azure SQL Managed Instance or Azure SQL Database.

I have reported these issues to Microsoft via a support ticket.

What should users do about this?

If you ever force plans— and especially if you use the Automatic Plan Correction feature, which frequently forces plans– you should create a SQL Server Agent Job that regularly looks for failed forced plans with a status of GENERAL_FAILURE and unforce them.

And you should consider turning off Automatic Plan Correction, if you have it enabled.