
When Were Statistics Last Updated for a Heap?

I got a question last week from a very smart fellow:

How can I tell when statistics were last updated for a heap?

Before I could email him back, I soon got another email in which he answered his own question.

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How I Accidentally Found a Passion for Plants (#TSQL2sDay 99)

For TSQL Tuesday #99, @AaronBertrand gave us an invitation to write about something we’re passionate about outside of SQL Server.

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Formatting a VTT Caption File into a Transcript with Sublime Text and Multiple Regular Expressions

Do you ever need to use a text editor to apply regular expressions to files? If so, this post is for you! If not, you may wanna skip it and just return to it if you ever need it.

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Does a Clustered Index Give a Default Ordering?

I recently got a great question: if I order by a column where all rows in that column have the same value, will SQL Server then order the results by the clustered index key?

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Watch my live session: When Partitioning Indexes Hurts Performance (and How to Fix It)

I’m very that my session on table partitioning from the 2017 SQL PASS Summit is being featured as one of the “Best of Summit” videos.

I had a terrific time presenting this session, thanks to everyone in the audience: you were awesome!

You can watch the video here, and follow the link above to see even more great videos from the conference for free.

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New Course: Indexing for Windowing Functions (with preview lesson)

I’ve just added a fresh new course: Indexing for Windowing Functions. Here’s the rundown: Windowing functions give you great flexibility for analyzing data in SQL Server. But how can you get the best performance for your windowing functions? In this 45 minute, demo-packed course, you will learn index design for windowing functions, when batch mode may be important, and how to compare the performance of Window Spool and Window Aggregate operators.

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New free webcasts! How keys & includes work, dirty secrets of NOLOCK, and more

As we count down to the end of 2017, I’ve just scheduled a fresh batch of free, live webinars for 2018! Join me on Thursdays at 9 am Pacific / noon Eastern / 4 PM UTC.

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Auto-Tuning and the #1 Mindset Problem I Had as a DBA

A few folks have asked: will auto-tuning and adaptive query plans mean the end of performance tuning jobs for SQL Server? In this week’s episode, I talk about why I’m excited about those features rather than afraid of them.

Digging into this problem, I share the #1 mindset problem I had as a DBA, why this mindset is so common among database professionals, and a daily habit that can change your approach to new technology.

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In-Memory OLTP and Isolation Levels in SQL Server (Webcast Video with Transcript)

I had a great time this week talking about isolation levels with Hekaton – aka In-Memory OLTP – aka Memory Optimized tables. Here’s a video of the recorded webcast.

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