Attempting to Force a Narrow Plan on an Update with Query Store
When you force a plan with Query Store, you may not get what you expect. Here’s an example.
When you force a plan with Query Store, you may not get what you expect. Here’s an example.
This post is part of TSQL Tuesday, a monthly blog party. You’re welcome to join in this party: if you’d like email notifications of future topics, here’s how to set them up.
This month’s topic is “Folks Who Have Made a Difference”, by Ewald Cress.
A funny thing happened on the way to my filtered nonclustered columnstore demo recently…
It was taking forever to create my demo index.
I was lucky enough to serve as a judge for the Speaker Idol competition at the SQL PASS Summit conference this year. One of the great thing about watching presentations and giving feedback on them is that you learn a lot about speaking by watching sessions and crafting your feedback.
In this week’s episode, I’m not answering a reader’s question. Instead, I’m talking about my personal experience with anxiety.
This episode touches on on healthcare, religion, and squishy emotions – and there’s at least one curse word. I don’t talk tech in this episode. (Don’t worry, there’s more of that coming in future weeks.)
This morning, Dr Rimma Nehme tells us the story of the birth of Azure Cosmos DB, a global, scale-out database system.
Whee! It’s the first day of the main SQL PASS Summit conference and I made it to the keynote early for the first time ever. The hype says we’re going to see some great presenters this morning.
One of the great things about writing presentations is that it spurs you to “clean up” your definitions. When it comes to writing a slide about something, I ask myself, “Do I really know what that is?” I check my assumptions, and clarify how I think about something.
This week I was working with SQL Server memory settings, and I “cleaned up” my understanding of the following definitions.
PASS Summit sessions have been scheduled, and I’m excited to be giving two sessions this year AND helping judge Speaker Idol!
I’m looking forward to teaching, learning a ton, and connecting with lots of people who love working with data.
SQL Server Service Packs are going away, starting with SQL Server 2017. I talk about why I think this is a good thing, and discuss Cumulative Updates, Service Packs, and the process of updating SQL Server.
Copyright (c) 2024, Catalyze SQL, LLC; all rights reserved. Opinions expressed on this site are solely those of Kendra Little of Catalyze SQL, LLC. Content policy: Short excerpts of blog posts (3 sentences) may be republished, but longer excerpts and artwork cannot be shared without explicit permission.