
Why Indexes Reduce Locks for Update and Delete Queries

Indexes help queries run faster in SQL Server for several reasons. One of those reasons is that indexes can help your update and delete statements lock fewer rows. And I’m not only talking about shared locks, either.

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Stack Dumps in SQL Server (Dear SQL DBA Episode 33)

Learn what a Stack Dump is in SQL Server and watch a demo where I cause a stack dump against a test SQL Server instance under load. Learn how to find information about stack dumps on your SQL Server, and how to escalate them when required.

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Overindexing: Missing Index DMVs and the Database Tuning Advisor

SQL Server has tools that suggest indexes– and they’ll even auto-create the indexes for you.

I’m not a huge fan of these tools because they’ve got some notable flaws: they lead to creating more indexes than you need, and they aren’t super smart about the indexes they recommend.

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How to Quickly Tell if an Execution Plan has Multiple Missing Index Requests

Ever see those little green messages at the top of an execution plan?

Those are missing index suggestions.

SQL Server loves to suggest that you consider changing up your index game.

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New Course: Tuning Problem Queries in Table Partitioning

As of SQL Server 2016 SP1, you can now use partitioning in Standard, Web, and even Express Edition of SQL Server.

Everything’s gonna be fast! Right?

Well, not quite. But no worries, this course is now free.

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WAL: The concept that makes recovery models & backups make sense (Dear SQL DBA Episode 32)

When you’re a Junior DBA, it’s really hard to take in all the information out there.

Learn about write ahead logging: the concept that can help you make sense of recovery models and backup strategies in SQL Server. This is a foundational concept that helps you understand how SQL Server works.

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DBCC CLONEDATABASE Does NOT Clone Index Usage Statistics

The word ‘statistics’ is awfully confusing in SQL Server

It can mean “statistics” themselves – little objects that describe the distribution of data in columns or indexes to help the optimizer.

Or it can mean “usage statistics” -  dynamic management views that let you see how many times an index has been used or requested, how many times a query has been run, that kind of thing.

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The BabbyNames Sample Database - Now on GitHub

1960 was the most popular year to name your baby ‘Dino’, with 386 Dinos born.

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Will the Cloud Eat My DBA Job? (Dear SQL DBA Episode 31)

Will cloud services render DBAs obsolete? Does the cloud mean that developers will use less of SQL Server? In this post I talk about the future of database administration and give tips on strategizing your career.

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Understanding avg_total_user_cost and avg_user_impact in Missing Index Requests

The hardest thing about looking at index requests in SQL Server is understanding what the column names mean.

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