
Do you work with data? You have options.

In preparing for the SQLPeople event, I thought about the role, motivation, and techniques of a “knowledge worker” in today’s society.

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SQLPeople events

Not too long ago, Andy Leonard (blog|twitter) dreamed up the idea to create the SQLPeople community. The community is forming around the stories and ideas of its members. The SQLPeople website shares stories.

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Can you write a story in 11 words or less?

“Sam Beckett, revised: Code again, error again, monitor better.”

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To Do: Win Great SQL Training and a Cruise

Wondering what to do when you get a break from work email today?

Make your opening move in a fun contest.

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I laughed, I cried, it was better than CATS: The Fast Track Data Warehouse 3.0 Reference Guide

You know what’s crazy?

A comprehensive, technical, well thought-out, and ENJOYABLE document. One written with the occasional interesting diagram and a reasonable use of acronyms, with effective tables and practical advice. A document that’s written for a human being which has helpful links to supporting documentation, but still makes you think.

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Using APPLY for calculations

Here’s a little TSQL snack. I picked this up in a presentation by Itzik Ben-Gan at the PNWSQL user group recently, and it’s become a fast favorite.

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Dynamic Management Quickie: Explore SQL Server system views and functions as you work

There’s a lot of dynamic management and system objects to keep track of in SQL Server. We all sometimes have the moment when we can’t remember exactly which DMV, DMF or other system view/function returns a particular column, or if something even IS accessible from the system objects.

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Be My Date Next Tuesday, March 15 at 24 Hours of PASS

Next week the Professional Association for SQL Server will be providing 24 hours of free, online training on SQL Server.

Come get your learn on.

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How To: Automate Continuous SQLServer Activity with Stored Procedures and Powershell Jobs

It’s often useful to be able to run a bunch of stored procedures in the background over a period of time against a test instance.

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