
Review: A day of doing many things at once with @AdamMachanic

At SQLPass this year I was fortunate to attend “A day of doing many things at once: Multitasking, Parallelism, and Process distribution” by Adam Machanic (blog | twitter). This was a day long post-conference.

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SQLPASS Day 1 and 2: Please Focus Your Attention on the Command Prompt

A sign will be henceforth posted on my office door which reads: “PLEASE FOCUS YOUR ATTENTION ON THE COMMAND PROMPT.”

And I will always make sure to remember to be careful when working with the Engine of the Devil.

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TSQL Tuesday #12: Why Are DBA Skills Necessary? Fido, Please Turn Your Head And Cough.

It’s sort of like Daylight Savings time for #TSQL2sday. Since PASS is next week and we’ll all be busy tweeting from the convention center instead of talking to one another face to face (or the opposite, take your pick), we’re blogging a week early.

This month’s topic is hosted by Paul Randal (blog | twitter), and the topic is “Why are DBA skills necessary?”

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TSQL Tuesday #11: Messages and the Clammy Seduction of the Print Statement

Note: Updated 10/28 based on conversation in the comments, and 12/10 with Denali info.

This month’s #tsql2sDay is hosted by Sankar Reddy, and the topic is roughly, “Things you thought you knew, but didn’t.

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For Your Review: Inappropriate PASS Sessions

So I was chatting with @SQLChicken the other night, and I made this comment…

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Automation: Granting Read Perms for Developers

Yeah, you heard me.

“But Kendra, why would we want to grant developers read  permissions? And why would we automate  it? And at what point did you lose your mind?”

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Speaking at SQLSaturday #51 in Nashville on August 21st!

A while back, I submitted a few abstracts to  a couple SQLSaturday presentations around the country. I just picked places I’ve never visited which seem unique, and where I’d like to make a quick vacation of it and spend a few days exploring town before having fun at a SQLSaturday and meeting new people.

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Learning that Presenting is Worth Doing

This month’s T-SQL Tuesday topic is hosted by Robert Davis and the topic is “How do you learn? How do you teach? What are you learning or teaching?”

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