
Troubleshooting 1.00.001: sp_who2 and the SQL Server Log

Update from Kendra (Nov 2018): I’m keeping this post for posterity, but instead of sp_who2, check out @AdamMachanic ‘s sp_WhoIsActive, if you need a free tool to see what’s running in SQL Server.

I thought I would do a series of posts thinking through general troubleshooting steps I use for a wide variety of issues– everything from slow running performance, system crashes, or application failures where the source hasn’t been identified.

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What Articles are being Replicated, and How Big are They?

I needed to quickly report on what articles are being replicated from a database yesterday. It was helpful to include the size of the articles, number of rows, and the subscriber information.

The system tables make this pretty quick work.

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Average Daily Job Runtime

Here’s a query I found useful today– this week we moved many of our production datamart servers to SQL 2K5 SP3 CU4, and today among the course of other issues I wanted to take a look at my job runtimes to see if they might be noticeably slower or faster than prior runs. I often am in a similar situation after deploying significant changes to our codebase.

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Replication Undelivered Commands: Monitoring and Reporting

This post is to share a script I’ve been working on periodically over the last couple of months to monitor and report on replication latency at the distributor.

I use this in monitoring transactional replication with a stand-alone distributor.

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Backups - Using SQL Agent Tokens to Set the Date, and Why to go MultiFile

My life is a bit easier since I learned how to use SQL agent tokens. They are particularly nice for setting date and timestamps on backup files. Unfortunately, they only work in the context of executing agent jobs.

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Management Studio 2008- What I Like

There’s some pretty cool things about SSMS 2008– I am really pleased that execution plans open graphically by default now, and it’s easy to view the XML on demand. I had gotten pretty fast at saving things as .sqlplan, but it was a bit of a drag.

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Profiler: Deadlock Graph Event

Until recently I’d never used the deadlock graph event in Profiler. I’ve been pretty lucky and haven’t had to troubleshoot deadlocks much until now. The deadlock graph turns out to be quite nice!

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Replication - Updates that Do Not Flow Through

This past week at work we found an instance where a replicated table (transactional push) was out of sync on the subscriber. In evaluating how to address the situation, we did some testing in pre-production and discovered the following (using profiler).

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Finding Plans and Stats for Queries Based on Wildcard Text Matching

I often need to find a query plan in the cache for a process that has run long overnight. Typically I’ll be able to figure out from our logging some of the tables involved in the query. Sometimes I will have most of the executing text but won’t know exactly what dates or reference points were included.

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A Script to Summarize Blocking

Update from Kendra (Nov 2018): I’m keeping this post for posterity, but I REALLY don’t recommend the script. You’d be much better off using a production monitoring tool that did this job, or @AdamMachanic ‘s sp_WhoIsActive.

Maybe you’re a user in a reporting database running a long query in the read committed isolation level, merrily blocking a process which needs to load data.

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