“Dear SQL DBA” is a free podcast where I talk about database problems, performance tuning, and all sorts of data trouble.
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Episode Index
81 Erik Darling and Kendra Little Rate SQL Server Performance Tuning Techniques
80 Power BI Performance Tuning with Eugene Meidinger
79 Automated Deployments and the Art of the Database with Database Michael J Swart
78 Jer and Kendar Explore Optimized Locking
77 Advice for Technical Leaders with Alex Robson
76 Erik Darling on Performance Tuning
75 What’s up with Tech Interviews in 2023? With Jeremiah Peschka
74 Data Roles: DBA, DBRE, and Data Engineer
73 When NOT to choose SQL Server to store your data
71 3 Things That Shouldn’t Be Normal in Database Development
70 Everything I Never Wanted to Know About Collation
69 The Manager’s Guide to Git Training for DBAs
68 How Developers and DBAs collaborate in a DevOps World
67 What a Software Evangelist Does - and Where the Job is Going
66 DBA Jobs: Threats and Opportunities
65 DevOps Terms and Why They Matter to Database Specialists
64 Employee Agreements & Contracts - Best Practices
63 Employee Agreements & Contracts - Anti-Patterns
62 Remembering Robert Davis, DBA Hero
61 Why Don’t You Teach Service Broker?
60 Training Resources for SQL Newbies
59 Dealing With a Lack of Control
58 Do DBAs Need College Degrees?
57 How Do I Prepare for Certification Exams?
55 Auto-tuning, and the #1 Mindset Problem I Had as a DBA
54 Slowing Down Your Motor Mouth - Presentation Tips for Fast Talkers
53 I Thought I Was An Introvert. Turns Out I Was Anxious as F_@_!
52 The Death of SQL Server Service Packs
50 How Do I Analyze a SQL Server Execution Plan?
49 Do I Need to Master PowerShell?
48 SQL PASS Summit 2017: Why I’m Excited, and Tips on Attending
46 “I faked my resume… now what?"
45 Interview Patterns & Anti-Patterns
44 Finding Queries that Cause Wait Stats in SQL Server
43 Removing Query Hints with Plan Guides
42 Batch Mode Hacks for Rowstore Queries in SQL Server
41 Should I Get Certified as a DBA?
40 How Does a DBA Build Confidence After Making Mistakes?
39 Are Bad Statistics Making My Query Slow?
38 Index Maintenance & Performance
36 Why is My Transaction Log Growing in My Availability Group?
35 When SQL Server Does NOT Use Write Ahead Logging
34 Using a Tail Log Backup in a SQL Server Migration
33 Stack Dumps in SQL Server (the “Taking a Dump” episode)
32 Write Ahead Log: The Concept that Makes Recovery Models and Backups Make Sense
31 Will the Cloud Eat My DBA Job?
29 Should I Learn Fulltext Indexing?
28 Index Types: Heaps, Primary Keys, Clustered and Nonclustered Indexes
27 What’s that Garbage in My Execution Plan?
26 Switch in Staging Tables Instead of Renaming Them
25 Limiting Downtime for Schema Changes
24 Is Your SQL Server Running with Scissors?
23 Why is My Query Faster the Second Time It Runs?
22 Should I Upgrade to SQL Server 2016?
21 What is Adaptive Query Processing?
20 Where Do You Get Your Creativity?
19 Should I Rebuild or Reorganize Large Indexes?
18 Can I use Statistics to Design Indexes?
17 Setting up Free Blocking Alerts and Deadlock Monitoring
16 Which is Worse: An Unused Index, or an Un-Indexed Foreign Key?
15 Finding Your Voice as a Speaker
14 Collect and Baseline Wait Statistics
12 Teach Yourself SQL Server Performance Tuning
11 Altering an INT Column to a BIGINT
10 Should I Automate My Windows Updates?
9 Why an Upgrade can Cause Performance Regressions
7 How to Level Up Your DBA Career
6 Index Usage Stats Insanity - sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats
5 Fail Over Again, Fail Better - Preparing for Disaster Recovery
4 Outside the Big SAN Box: Identifying Storage and SAN Latency in SQL Server
3 Next Door to Derpton – When Your Fellow DBA is a Danger to Databases
2 Lost in Performance Troubleshooting – Kendra’s Perf Triage for SQL Server
Copyright (c) 2024, Catalyze SQL, LLC; all rights reserved. Opinions expressed on this site are solely those of Kendra Little of Catalyze SQL, LLC. Content policy: Short excerpts of blog posts (3 sentences) may be republished, but longer excerpts and artwork cannot be shared without explicit permission.