Trying Out the Azure SQL Database Quickstart
I’m working through a series of tutorials and learning paths for Azure SQL and sharing bite-sized reviews.
In this first walkthrough, I’m stepping through the Create a Single Database tutorial.
I’m working through a series of tutorials and learning paths for Azure SQL and sharing bite-sized reviews.
In this first walkthrough, I’m stepping through the Create a Single Database tutorial.
This post is part of TSQLTuesday #140, “What have you been up to with containers?"
Disposable databases are indispensable for software developers, both for initial development work and in automation pipelines. Containers pair exceptionally well with temporary databases and provide a lightweight mechanism to spin up an environment on demand.
When I woke up today in the UK, Twitter was alive with jokes, hot takes, and sympathy about an email sent out to millions of folks on a contact list for HBO Max featuring the subject line, “Integration Test Email #1”.
One big gotcha that teams often encounter when automating deployments for databases is that it’s difficult– or sometimes impossible – to ensure that all changes to the production database are performed through the automation pipeline.
These out-of-band changes case the production database to “drift” away from the schema as defined in version control.
A coworker shared with me recently that a customer is wholly investing in adopting non-relational datastores.
“Is NoSQL taking over?” they asked.
Redgate regularly holds an internal conference called Level Up week. In 2020 and 2021, this conference has been scaled to include multiple Redgate offices using a remote learning approach.
While this is an internal conference, I can share my drawings and notes from sessions I attended. I hope these inspire you with ideas on how you can contribute to learning in your own organization – or perhaps simply inspire you to give sketchnoting a try.
I wrote recently about moving my blog from Wordpress to an Azure Static Site.
Azure Static Web Apps have now moved out of Preview and are now generally available. A free tier has been announced which is great for personal blogs.
It’s common to shift your professional focus multiple times over your career while working in tech. But moving into a new role often causes a lot of stress.
In my recent lightning talk for Mental Health and Awareness Day, I reflected on the lessons I’ve learned to set myself up for success and protect my health when taking on a new professional challenge.
Hugo now has native support for Twitter Cards, but it took a few steps to get them working on my site in the way I wanted.
Here’s how I configured Twitter Cards in Hugo without any new shortcodes.
SQL Server’s Developer Edition installs with a different default network protocol configuration than Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition.
Fixing this has gotten more complicated because it’s become common for the SQL Server Configuration Manager to not be installed on a developer’s workstation in an easily accessible way.
Copyright (c) 2024, Catalyze SQL, LLC; all rights reserved. Opinions expressed on this site are solely those of Kendra Little of Catalyze SQL, LLC. Content policy: Short excerpts of blog posts (3 sentences) may be republished, but longer excerpts and artwork cannot be shared without explicit permission.